Dive into our AI workshop and discover the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for your business! We believe that everyone can benefit from AI, and have made it our mission to expand your knowledge and skills in this area. Our customized training sessions cover a wide range of topics and will accompany you on your journey to digital transformation. Start your AI journey now!


Marc Zuber


Personal and Goal-oriented: Our Workshops

With examples that are practical and tailored to your business, we offer workshops that address your needs. Depending on the number of modules, costs range between CHF 500 and CHF 2500.

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Choose the workshop topics modularly:

Details about the different training topics.

Introduction to ChatGPT (Registration, Login, Operation, Tips & Tricks). Learn how AI-supported technologies can help you make your work processes more efficient and smarter. Whether it's process automation or data-driven decision making, our AI-guided workshops show you the way.

In this module, we explore how you can use AI for creating and managing documents. From automatic generation of reports to intelligent text analysis, AI-Documents opens up new possibilities for your business. Create templates for letters, certificates, emails, customer complaints, etc.

Dive into the world of artificial intelligence and image recognition. Learn how to use AI to analyze image content, perform classifications, or even create new images. Edit images (enlarge sections, add/remove image elements, change the background, etc.)

Discover the powerful capabilities that AI offers in image editing. From automated retouching to intelligent scaling and adjusting of images, this module takes your graphic processes to the next level. Edit images (enlarge sections, add/remove image elements, change the background, etc.)

Learn how AI is revolutionizing the creation and editing of videos. Whether automatic transcription, content analysis, or even creating new video sequences, with AI-Video, your creativity knows no bounds. Creating videos for social media or the website, including the underlay of lifelike voices. Videos are indispensable online today.

Optimize your customer service with the help of AI. Learn how chatbots and intelligent response systems can handle customer inquiries more efficiently and improve your customer relationships.

Take advantage of the benefits of AI in marketing. From predicting customer behavior to optimizing marketing campaigns, with AI in Marketing, you can boost your marketing efficiency. Application of AI tools for marketing and sales strategies.

Use AI to optimize your social media strategy. Learn how to recognize trends, personalize content, and improve your online presence with the help of AI.